I don't aim to decorate my mid-century home with period-style furnishings, but I do want to keep the features of this house consistent with the time and spirit in which it was built.

Originally, the entryway and kitchen had some kind of speckled, multicolored resilient sheet flooring, which we discovered when we removed the pink, wall-to-wall living room carpet. Doesn't it look festive?
I love the idea of a durable, nonporous, easy-to-clean floor in these areas. I'd settle for a new layer of sheet vinyl, but Tom feels strongly that it should be some kind of ceramic tile. I have asked him several times about just how strongly he feels about vinyl vs tile, and he is unmoving.
I must confess I am not inflexible on this; I dig ceramic tile. Also, this decision needs to be made quickly, if the work is to be done and we are to move in before the end of January.
However, I still want to
restore, not "remuddle". I am hoping to find a ceramic tile usage consistent to the era, but the retro research I've done so far only shows ceramic tile in bathrooms. Was it ever used in other parts of the house? Would it be anachronistic to do so?
That was the only negative comment regarding these cabinets. Well, should I encounter those drawbacks, maybe I can do something about them. The shelves in the cabinets are fixed in place, which could be aggravating. Perhaps I can modify them to be adjustable-height. I'm not too concerned with keeping the insides of the cabinet boxes perfectly vintage.
Also, coincidence of coincidences, good friends of mine who live nearby (near where we live now, not near the house featured in this blog) have these exact same cabinets in her kitchen! I only noticed a few days ago! Theirs are in better condition than mine, and probably have the original handles. Plus, theirs has very nice glass doors on the cabinet over the fridge. I'll be sure to post a picture of that.
Dangit, where did I put my camera?