Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Kitchen

Sometime in this house's history (possibly the 1980s), the kitchen was redecorated. The original multicolored linoleum flooring was buried under white ceramic tile, the backsplash became white tile with blue Delft-style accents, and the countertops became blue-gray laminate. No idea what the original sink was like.

Scheirich Kitchens medallion, under the sink.

However, the kitchen cabinets seem to be original. They are battered but well-made and still solid. Here is what they looked like on a manufacturer's postcard (image from the blog Viewliner Ltd.).

In one of the base cabinets, I found a wooden cutting board stored in a bracket mounted underneath the drawer. The cutting board itself would have been very attractive, if it had not been for the impressive crop of grey mildew growing on both sides.

The fuzzy cutting board

Mounted on a wall cabinet by the sink, there is an odd little metal thingy. It seems to be some kind of hinge, maybe a base for a swinging arm? What could it have been used for?
What is this mysterious doodad?

A hole has been cut in the blind corner cabinet to accommodate a dishwasher.

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