Monday, January 10, 2011

Upstairs Floors

This is what we found under the bedroom carpet upstairs. Hardwood in rough shape.

About 15 years ago, the house was treated for termites. We do not know if this is old damage from before the treatment, or newer damage since then. The carpet padding was laid over it long enough to stain the wood, so maybe it dates from 15 years ago? I'll keep an eagle eye out for signs of termites when the weather warms.

The plan is to sand, repair, and refinish these floors, staining them to match the new hardwood living room flooring.

clearing the gutters

The gutters are full of debris. In one case, full of compost and seedlings. I like the hanging garden look, but this simply cannot be allowed.

After the big rainstorm, the sun came out and we climbed onto the roof to excavate.

Surprise Water Feature!

We had a hard rain the day the plumber came to power-scrub the sewer main.

Lo and behold, a beautiful water feature manifested! Isn't it lovely?

I choose to laugh instead of cry...